Monday evening started with a sense of anticipation and longing. The weather forecast predicted thunderstorms, and for a passionate lightning photographer like me, that's always exciting news. However, it seemed like Mother Nature had other plans. The storms were approaching, but it appeared they would bypass our location and unleash their electric spectacle over Adelaide, which is about three hours south of my residence. It looked like I was about to miss out on one of my favourite activities: capturing the raw power of lightning through my camera lens.

The approaching storm front
The Storm That Almost Got Away:
As the evening wore on, we did experience some stormy weather in our vicinity, but to my disappointment, they petered out fairly quickly. My hopes of capturing awe-inspiring lightning strikes were diminishing with every fading rumble of thunder. It seemed like the storms were eluding me, and the chance of photographing lightning that night was slipping away.

A Midnight Surprise:
Restless and unable to sleep due to the lingering storm activity around us, I tossed and turned in bed. Then, at about 4:40 am, a sudden and unexpected event disrupted my sleep even further – all the lights in our house suddenly turned on. We use Google to control most of our lights, and it felt like a surreal awakening. Instead of going back to bed, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to check the weather radar.

A Photographer's Delight:
To my absolute delight, the radar showed that storm activity was still prevalent in our area. My sleepiness was instantly replaced by a surge of excitement. It was a rare opportunity, and I wasn't going to let it slip away. I grabbed my camera gear and rushed outside, ready to capture the electrifying moments I had been waiting for.

Chasing Lightning:
My initial attempts were met with some frustration as I saw countless flashes of lightning that weren't captured by either my DSLR or my iPhone. The unpredictability of lightning photography can be both exhilarating and challenging, and it seemed like the storms were toying with my patience. I thought I had only managed to capture one decent shot, which, to my surprise, turned out to be a photograph of truck lights rather than lightning.

The Break of Dawn:
As the sun began to rise, the storm started to move away, making it increasingly difficult to capture lightning effectively. Nature had granted me a brief window of opportunity, and I did my best to seize it. With each passing moment, the lightning show dwindled, leaving me with the hope that I had captured at least a few memorable shots.

Dawn Breaks
The Joy of Reviewing:
Upon returning home and previewing the photos on my TV, my mood lifted considerably. What had initially appeared as disappointment transformed into a sense of accomplishment. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I had about ten photos that were worth working with. It's amazing how the perspective can change once you get a closer look at your captures.

That serendipitous night of lightning photography served as a reminder of how nature's wonders often unfold when we least expect them. Despite the initial setbacks and frustrations, I was able to capture the essence of the storm and its electrifying beauty. It's moments like these that remind me why I'm so passionate about photography, and I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed capturing them.